“To encourage and assist in improving the food and farming production on Norfolk Island, from backyard to business.”
A thriving, sustainable food and farming industry on Norfolk Island that is world class.
Core focus
Growing: knowledge & education; networks & resources; and a healthy community
Growing knowledge and education
• Respectfully collect information from long-time growers of the bests ways to farm on Norfolk Island
• Collect information from external sources on all aspects of running a farm.
• Provide access to information and knowledge to assistance members to improve their food production.
• Facilitate educational opportunities with local and overseas experts.
• Facilitate educational tours of working farms.
• Partner with educational institutes to encourage training of students. (Prep to universities)
Growing networks and resources
• Link people with machinery and skills with primary producers
• Inform members of available funding and grants opportunities
• Assist members with their application for funding and grants.
• Advocate for Food and Farming Alliance members with suppliers, buyers, and government
• Setup paths for importation of new fruit trees
• Support small growers in selling and distributing their produce.
• Conduct business viability study of investing in machinery and plant
• To support other related organisations in realising their goals and objectives to benefit the community.
Growing a healthy community
• Promote the health and wellbeing of the community by encouraging individual involvement in growing.
• Advocate the nutritional advantages of locally grown food